Updated March 2023 By Dr Jonathan Palmer

JOJOBA OIL - Everything you need to know

Jojoba oil for skin and hair

Are you looking for a flexible and all-natural way to improve your skincare or haircare regimen? Jojoba oil is a great option! The jojoba plant's seeds make this golden liquid, which has been used for centuries to hydrate and protect skin and hair.

Overview Of Jojoba Oil

“Jojoba is a widely used medicinal plant that is cultivated worldwide. Its seeds and oil have a long history of use in folklore to treat various ailments, such as skin and scalp disorders, superficial wounds, sore throat, obesity, and cancer; for improvement of liver functions, enhancement of immunity, and promotion of hair growth.

Extensive studies on Jojoba oil showed a wide range of pharmacological applications, including antioxidant, anti-acne and antipsoriasis, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antipyretic, analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-hyperglycemia activities.”

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Benefits Of Jojoba Oil For Hair

Jojoba oil is a thin, non-greasy oil that hair can easily absorb. We're here to give you the inside scoop on why jojoba oil is a must-have in any beauty arsenal, from its distinctive molecular structure to its range of benefits for all skin and hair types. OK, let's get into it!

A Brief Overview Of Jojoba Oil And Its Benefits For Hair

  1. Natural, non-comedogenic jojoba oil is a substance that closely resembles the sebum secreted by our scalps. As a result, it's frequently used as a natural substitute for traditional hair care items like conditioners and shampoos.

  2. Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins, necessary for strong hair growth, are abundant in jojoba oil. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities, making it a powerful remedy for seborrheic dermatitis and other scalp conditions like dandruff.

  3. Jojoba oil can moisturise dry, brittle hair, making it softer and more manageable.

  4. Promotes hair growth: Jojoba oil's vitamins and minerals can nourish hair follicles and encourage the development of strong, healthy hair.

  5. Jojoba oil can strengthen hair strands, which reduces hair porosity buildup, breakage and split ends.

  6. Jojoba oil has antifungal and antibacterial qualities that may be useful in controlling dandruff.

  7. Jojoba oil can give hair a natural shine, making it appear glossy and healthy.

Benefits Of Jojoba Oil For Hair

The hair and scalp benefit significantly from the intense moisturising properties of jojoba oil. Controlling frizz and flyaways in hair is one of the advantages of jojoba oil. Jojoba oil can help hair look shiny and protect it from harm. Jojoba oil is also non-greasy, so it won't make your hair look oily or weigh it down. The latter point is a real advantage for lighter hair types, such as wavy or curly Type A hair types.

Jojoba oil excels as a natural hair conditioner. Jojoba oil contains fatty acids that help to keep hair hydrated, making it less prone to breakage. It contains abundant vitamins and minerals that nourish and strengthen hair follicles.

How Jojoba Oil Works For Hair

The jojoba plant produces a vegetable oil known as jojoba oil. The oil is renowned for its capacity to hydrate and protect hair from both physical and chemical damage.

Jojoba oil can be applied to the scalp as a massage oil, hair conditioner, or hair treatment.

Jojoba oil can help to control frizzy hair and make it easier to manage when used as a conditioner. Additionally, the oil can aid in protecting hair from environmental stresses and heat damage.

Jojoba oil can be used as a hair treatment to soften and smooth out rough or damaged hair. The oil can lessen itching and dandruff on the scalp.

Jojoba oil can help to increase circulation and encourage healthy hair growth when applied to the scalp as a massage oil.

Jojoba oil is a very good allrounder for hair and skin protection and hydration. Also, in comparison to some other oils, like rosemary oil, it appears to be better tolerated by the skin and scalp long time (six months plus).

Benefits Of Using Jojoba Oil For Hair

The benefits of jojoba oil for hair are numerous. This organic oil can help to moisturise your hair and scalp and encourage strong, healthy hair growth. Jojoba oil can also help treat dandruff and other scalp issues. Additionally, the oil can aid in shielding your hair from environmental factors and heat-related damage. Jojoba oil is unquestionably worth trying if you're looking for a natural way to improve the health of your hair.

  • Prevent hair loss

  • Promote hair growth

  • Reduce frizz and flyaways

  • Strengthen hair follicles

  • Reduce porosity buildup

  • protect your hair’s cuticles

  • Moisturize dry hair

  • Soothe an itchy scalp

  • Balance scalp oil production

  • Improve hair texture and shine

How Jojoba Oil Stacks Up Against Other Hair Oils

How does jojoba oil compare to the other oils advertised as good for hair? As opposed to other oils, jojoba oil is quite distinctive because it closely resembles the natural sebum that your scalp produces. This means it can nourish dry hair and balance out oily scalps without making it greasy.

While other oils, like coconut oil, can be good for your hair, they can also make it look greasy and weigh it down. Jojoba oil is so light that it won't cause this, but it will still help safeguard and maintain your hair's health.

Jojoba oil is an excellent choice if you're looking for an oil that can help improve your hair's condition without making it look or feel heavy. This makes Jojoba oil great for finer hair types, such as type A hair and those wanting to enhance their natural wave, curl, or hydrate their hair.

How To Use Jojoba Oil To Reduce Hair Loss

The natural treatment for hair loss and scalp issues is jojoba oil. Jojoba oil can help to clear blocked hair follicles and encourage hair growth when applied to the scalp. Jojoba oil is also helpful for treating dry scalp and dandruff.  

Use jojoba oil as directed to promote hair growth:

  1. Use your fingertips to massage your scalp with a small amount of jojoba oil

  2. Leave the oil on your scalp for at least 30 minutes or overnight

  3. Use a gentle shampoo to wash your hair, then condition it as usual

  4. To get the best results, repeat this procedure twice or thrice weekly


Warm a few drops of jojoba oil between your palms and massage it into your scalp for the scalp massage. This will encourage hair growth by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.

Hair mask: Apply your preferred hair mask to your hair after combining a few drops of jojoba oil. Before removing it, let it sit for 30 minutes. This will support hair growth by strengthening and nourishing your hair.

Leave-in conditioner: Add a few drops of jojoba oil to your hair following a hair wash. This will prevent split ends from forming, moisturise your hair, and keep it hydrated.

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Hair Growth

Jojoba oil is an excellent choice if you're looking for a natural way to promote hair growth. The plant jojoba plant is native to North America and contains a large number of essential fatty acids and minerals that help to nourish your hair and scalp.

  • Before bed, massage a few drops of jojoba oil into your scalp

  • Leave the oil in for the night, then wash it out the next day. To help avoid getting a greasy pillow, we recommend using either a silk pillow or silk head wrap

  • Repeat this process three or more times a week

Or you can also incorporate a few drops into your conditioner or shampoo whilst showering.

Tips For Getting The Best Results From Jojoba Oil

When using jojoba oil, remember a few things:

  • Always keep in mind that less is more. You only need a few drops of the oil to moisturise your skin or hair

  • Apply the oil to damp skin damp or hair for the best results. This will make it easier for the oil to penetrate the skin, hair follicles or hair

  • Give the oil some time to finish its magic. Before rinsing it off or shampooing it, let it sit on your skin or hair for at least 5 minutes, but ideally 30 minutes

Jojoba Oil For Hair Loss

Natural, non-comedogenic jojoba oil has been proven successful in treating hair loss. It has been demonstrated that jojoba oil increases the health of the hair shaft, reduces scalp inflammation, and promotes hair growth - after extended use (six months or more). Vitamin E and other nutrients that are crucial for strong hair growth are abundant in jojoba oil.

How Jojoba Oil Can Help With Hair Loss

Jojoba oil can support healthy hair growth by nourishing the scalp and hair follicles. Vitamins A, D, and E are among the nutrients in this oil that are crucial for healthy hair. Jojoba oil also aids in lowering dandruff and scalp inflammation, reducing hair loss.

Research Supporting The Use Of Jojoba Oil For Hair Loss

According to research, jojoba oil can lessen hair loss. According to a study in the International Journal of Dermatology, jojoba oil is a potent remedy for the autoimmune alopecia areata, resulting in hair loss. According to the study, jojoba oil assisted in reducing inflammation and fostering hair growth.

Scientific data on jojoba oil on hair growth rate

Hair growth recovery data comparing Minoxidil, Jojoba oil, and Peppermint oil (Ref). Note this was a short-term study lasting weeks and it was not conducted on humans. But it shows that Peppermint Oil is worth a try and potential alternative to Minoxidil.


According to a different published study, jojoba oil is an effective treatment for the temporary hair loss condition telogen effluvium. According to the study, jojoba oil helps to promote hair growth by enhancing the condition of the scalp and hair follicles.

These studies imply that jojoba oil is a valuable hair loss remedy. Ask your doctor if jojoba oil might be a good option if your hair is thinning.

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Hair Loss

Jojoba oil might be an all-natural treatment for hair loss for you. Since ancient times, people have used jojoba oil, made from the jojoba plant's seeds, to treat various scalp issues. Jojoba oil can help increase circulation and promote new hair growth when applied to the scalp. Dandruff and dry scalp can both be effectively treated with jojoba oil.

Massage a small amount of jojoba oil into your scalp two to three times per week to treat hair loss. Add a few drops of jojoba oil to your conditioner to increase its effectiveness.

Jojoba Oil For Different Hair Types

For all hair types, jojoba oil works wonders! Jojoba oil can help to tame frizz and give your hair a more polished appearance if you have frizzy hair.


Jojoba oil can help to hydrate and nourish your strands if you have dry hair. Jojoba oil can also help control oil production and maintain a healthy scalp if you have oily hair.

Jojoba Oil For Dry Hair

Jojoba oil is an excellent oil for those that have dry hair. Jojoba oil is a natural oil that can help moisturise your hair. Jojoba oil is stocked in most health food stores and online. Massage a small amount of jojoba oil into your hair and scalp to use it. Several drops of jojoba oil can also be added to your shampoo or conditioner; that way, you can use the products you love but get the moisturising benefits of jojoba oil.

How Jojoba Oil Helps With Dry Hair

Dry hair can be effectively treated with jojoba oil. It can nourish and moisturise the scalp, preventing and treating dandruff. Jojoba oil is also well known for promoting healthy hair growth.

Tips For Using Jojoba Oil On Dry Hair

You already know how challenging it can be to manage and style dry hair. Your dry hair can be hydrated and nourished with jojoba oil, making it easier to manage. Following are some pointers for applying jojoba oil to dry hair:

  1. Begin with a small amount of oil and increase it as necessary.

    Warm up the oil: Warm up a small amount of jojoba oil in your hands. With this oil, a little goes a long way!

  2. Apply the oil to damp or dry hair, paying special attention to the ends

  3. You can wash the oil out after a few hours or leave it in your hair overnight for extra hydration

  4. Style as usual after jojoba oil application

Jojoba Oil For Oily Hair

If you have oily hair, you are probably familiar with the challenge of locating products that won't make your hair greasy or limp. Sebum, the oil produced by your scalp, can be balanced with the aid of jojoba oil. This can help lower the amount of oil in your hair and prevent greasy looks - it sounds like the opposite should be the case!

If you have oily hair that is also dry or brittle, jojoba oil can help to moisturise your hair and scalp.

How Jojoba Oil Helps With Oily Hair

Jojoba oil is frequently regarded as a hair care wonder product for people with oily hair. This is so that the production of sebum, the oil your scalp naturally produces, can be controlled. Oily hair can result from excessive sebum production on the scalp. However, applying jojoba oil to your hair can reduce the amount of sebum produced, (Ref) leaving your hair less oily.

Jojoba oil accomplishes this by resembling the sebum produced by your scalp. Your body assumes it doesn't need to make as much sebum when you apply jojoba oil to your scalp and hair because there is already enough there. This keeps your hair looking and feeling healthier while reducing excess oil production.

Jojoba oil controls sebum production and nourishes your hair and scalp. This organic oil is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins A, D, and E, among other nutrients. These nutrients support healthy hair and skin while guarding against oxidative damage from free radicals.

Tips For Using Jojoba Oil On Oily Hair

You might be curious if jojoba oil can treat oily hair. Jojoba oil is frequently used to treat dandruff and dry scalp, but it can also help oily hair.


Following are some tips for applying jojoba oil to oily hair:

  1. Begin with a little bit of oil. If necessary, more can always be added, but excess oil is challenging to wash off once applied

  2. Massage the oil into your scalp before shampooing for a few minutes

  3. After shampooing, thoroughly rinse your hair to remove all oil residue

  4. If necessary, repeat this procedure once or twice a week

Jojoba Oil For Curly Hair

You may have heard that jojoba oil can help maintain your curly hair's health and hydration. But what is jojoba oil exactly, and how does it function?

The natural oil from the jojoba plant is called jojoba oil. Since it resembles the sebum our skin naturally produces, it works wonders to moisturise and protect the scalp and hair. Jojoba oil can control frizz, add shine, and maintain defined curls.

After shampooing, massage a few drops of jojoba oil into your scalp and hair. Leave the oil in your hair for at least 30 minutes before rinsing for the best results.

Several drops can be added to your conditioner or styling products as well.

How Jojoba Oil Helps With Curly Hair

Jojoba oil can help moisturise and control curly hair, which is frequently frizzy and dry. The oil can assist in balancing the scalp's natural oil production because its chemical makeup is similar to the natural oils produced by our scalps. Jojoba oil can also aid in preventing hair damage from heat styling or outside elements like wind and sun. Jojoba oil can keep curly hair healthy and looking its best when used frequently.

Tips For Using Jojoba Oil On Curly Hair

If you have curly hair, you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages that come with it.

Your curls can look amazing with the right products, but the wrong ones can leave your hair frizzy and out of control.

You can get the lovely, healthy curls you want with jojoba oil, a natural product that can help your hair's condition. Following are some pointers for applying jojoba oil to curly hair:

  1. Begin with a little bit of oil. With jojoba oil, a little goes a long way, so start with a few drops and build up to more as necessary

  2. Use the oil on either dry or damp hair. Apply the oil to damp hair before drying if your hair is particularly dry or damaged. If not, apply it to dry hair and proceed with styling

  3. Focus on the trouble spots. Focus the jojoba oil there if your hair is prone to damage or frizz. To encourage healthy hair growth, apply it to your scalp as a treatment

  4. Style as usual. Apply the jojoba oil, then style your hair as usual. Your curls will surprise you with how much softer and healthier they look and feel!

Jojoba Oil For Scalp And Hair Health

The jojoba plant is indigenous to Mexico, Arizona, and California. Native Americans have used this natural oil for many years for its therapeutic benefits. Jojoba oil won't clog pores because it is non-comedogenic. Additionally, jojoba oil is non-irritating and hypoallergenic.

People with dry hair or a dry scalp see many benefits from using jojoba oil regularly. The scalp and hair can both be moisturised with jojoba oil.

A hot oil treatment and a leave-in conditioner can be made with jojoba oil and would suit those who suffer from scalp psoriasis or dandruff. Jojoba oil can aid in easing the itching and inflammation brought on by these conditions.

Jojoba Oil For Dandruff


Dandruff can develop when your skin produces too much sebum. Various conditions, such as dry skin, oily skin, psoriasis, eczema, or fungal infections, can bring on dandruff. Because it balances the production of sebum, the natural oil that your skin produces, jojoba oil is a very successful natural remedy for treating dandruff. Jojoba oil aids in maintaining a healthy scalp and controlling sebum production.

How Jojoba Oil Helps With Dandruff

Jojoba oil helps to calm the scalp and lessen inflammation, which makes it excellent for treating dandruff. Jojoba oil is gentle enough to be used on sensitive skin and is non-comedogenic, so it won't clog pores.

Tips For Using Jojoba Oil On A Dry, Itchy Scalp

You know how frustrating it can be if you've ever had a dry, itchy scalp. Sometimes, the itching is so bad that hair loss can result. An effective natural treatment for a dry, itchy scalp is jojoba oil. Your scalp will benefit from the hydration and protection against further harm.

Here are some tips for using jojoba oil on a dry, itchy scalp:

  1. Apply some jojoba oil to your itchy, dry scalp

  2. Massage the oil into your scalp in a gentle manner

  3. At least 30 minutes should pass after applying the oil to your scalp before shampoo is used to remove it

  4. Repeat this procedure a couple of times each week until your dry, itchy scalp feels better

Jojoba Oil Hair Mask

A jojoba oil hair mask is a fantastic solution if you want to moisturise and repair your dry, damaged hair. Natural jojoba oil is a great option for people with dry, sensitive scalps because it closely resembles the sebum produced by our scalp. Jojoba oil won't weigh down or feel oily in your hair because it is light and non-greasy.

Massage some jojoba oil into your scalp and hair, paying special attention to any areas that are particularly dry or damaged to use a jojoba oil hair mask. After letting the mask sit for at least 30 minutes, cover your head with a towel or shower cap and proceed with your shampoo and conditioning as usual. Use the mask once or twice weekly for best results.

Recipe For A DIY Jojoba Oil Hair Mask

You'll need the following to make a jojoba oil hair mask:

  • Jojoba oil, 1/4 cup

  • Aloe vera gel, half a cup

  • honey, 1/4 cup

  • apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup

Apply the mixture to your hair after combining all the ingredients in a bowl. After applying the mask for 30 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

Benefits Of Using A Jojoba Oil Hair Mask

Jojoba oil is a fantastic choice if you're looking for a natural way to enhance the health of your hair. Jojoba oil can aid in balancing and restoring moisture levels because it resembles the natural oils produced by our scalp. Jojoba oil won't make your hair feel heavy or greasy because it is also non-greasy and readily absorbed.


There are many benefits to using a jojoba oil hair mask, including the following:

  • Raising the moisture content

  • Enhancing gloss and softness

  • Minimising flyaways and frizz

  • Preventing heat-related harm

  • Assisting with split ends and damage repair

Jojoba Oil Scalp Massage

The best natural oil for massaging the scalp is jojoba oil. Jojoba oil can reduce inflammation, moisturise the scalp, and promote hair growth, among other advantages for the scalp and hair. It is perfect to use before shampooing because it is non-greasy and quickly absorbed.  

Pour a few drops of jojoba oil into your palm and massage the scalp for several minutes to use it as a scalp massage oil.

How Jojoba Oil Scalp Massages Can Promote Hair Growth

A natural oil called jojoba has been used for centuries to encourage hair growth. Jojoba oil aids in stimulating blood flow and promoting the growth of hair follicles when massaged into the scalp. Jojoba oil is also thought to balance the scalp's natural oils, reducing the likelihood of dryness and dandruff.

Tips For Giving Yourself A Jojoba Oil Scalp Massage

When massaging your scalp with jojoba oil, bear the following points in mind:

  1. Begin by putting a small amount of oil in your hands and warming it up before applying it to your scalp

  2. Use your fingertips to gently rub the oil in a circular motion into your scalp

  3. Pay attention to any areas that feel particularly congested or stressed

  4. Leave the oil on for at least 5 minutes, or longer, if you have time

  5. Rinse your hair as usual, using shampoo and conditioner

Jojoba Oil Hair Conditioner

Jojoba oil is a fantastic choice if you're looking for a natural hair conditioner that won't weigh your hair down. Jojoba oil can help balance out oily hair because it resembles the sebum produced by our scalp. Additionally, it is a rich source of vitamins E and B, fatty acids, and other nutrients that can help to strengthen and shield your hair.

After shampooing, massage a few drops of jojoba oil into your damp hair to use as a conditioner.

Mix a few drops with your preferred leave-in conditioner or mask for an additional moisture boost.

How Jojoba Oil Can Be Used As A Hair Conditioner

Because it is a natural, lightweight oil that can aid in moisturising and repairing the hair shaft, jojoba oil can be used as a hair conditioner. Your hair won't feel heavy or greasy after using jojoba oil because it is also non-greasy and does not build up on the hair like some other oils. Simply massage a small amount of jojoba oil into your wet or dry hair, paying special attention to the ends.

You can leave the jojoba oil in your hair for a few hours or overnight for additional deep conditioning. We also recommend that if using the oil (or any oil) on your hair overnight that you use either a silk pillow or silk hair wrap. This minimises any mess.

Tips For Using Jojoba Oil As A Hair Conditioner

Jojoba oil is a good choice if you're looking for a natural hair conditioner that won't weigh your hair down. Jojoba oil can help balance out oily hair because it resembles the natural sebum your scalp produces. You can massage it into your scalp and hair before shampooing, use it as a pre-shampoo treatment, or add a few drops to your regular conditioner.  

Just be careful not to use too much because jojoba oil can give the appearance of greasy hair if you use it in excess. Start with a little bit, then add more until you achieve the ideal balance for your hair type.

Conclusion - Should You Try Jojoba Oil?

A useful and adaptable product to have on hand is jojoba oil. With all its advantages, it can help you with everything from reducing wrinkles and acne to healing dry skin and all manner of hair challenges.

You can get the best results for your skin and hair with the proper use of this potent oil without having to worry about abrasive chemicals or irritants. Jojoba oil may be the solution for you if you want clearer, younger-looking skin that is free of blemishes and irritation and healthy, radiant hair.

Summary Of The Benefits And Uses Of Jojoba Oil For Hair

You can use jojoba oil as a natural hair treatment to enhance the general health of your hair. This oil can help nourish and repair damaged hair because it is full of minerals and essential fatty acids. Jojoba oil can help your hair look better and protect it from environmental harm - e.g. sun, wind, abrasive damage etc.

Final Thoughts On Jojoba Oil And Its Role In Hair Care

A fantastic all-natural substitute for commercial hair care products is jojoba oil. In addition to moisturising the scalp and hair, it can help protect your hair from harm, keeping it healthier and looking good whilst ensuring strong hair growth. Jojoba oil is a fantastic option for all.

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If you want to discover how well you are looking after your hair, hair type, or porosity, check out one of HairKnowHow's hair analyses below.

Contact the HairKnowHow Team if you have any questions or would like us to include additional information about a particular hair growth oil you are interested in.

Dr Palmer and The HairKnowHow Team.