The Complete Hair Analysis

The Complete Hair Analysis
Getting The Complete Hair Analysis is the simple way to discover how healthy your hair really is and, importantly, to get the right products and advice for your hair. Only then can you unleash your hair’s full beauty and health potential.
Our tests uncover and quantify hidden heat damage, increasing porosity, cuticle damage, hair abnormalities, and much more. This hidden damage can lead to hair shortening, frizz, and breakage, including dull, hard-to-manage hair.
So before rushing out to buy those products you think you need for your hair, get The Complete Hair Analysis first!
Reveal your hair’s secrets and unleash its full potential. Get the hair you always wanted with the right products and haircare advice from Dr Palmer.
Healthy hair is beautiful hair.
We ship worldwide, including the US and UK. You should receive your kit within 3-5 working days, depending on your location.