Hair Porosity Plus Analysis

Hair Porosity Plus Analysis
Knowing your hair porosity is one of the keys to unlocking your hair's beauty and health - so your hair can look its best.
Healthy, beautiful hair requires using the right products and haircare practices for your hair porosity. Using the right products will save money and significantly improve your hair's texture, bounce, and colour, reducing frizz and split ends.
HairKnowHow's Porosity Test brings porosity measurement directly to your home and is simple to use.
Discover your hair porosity and receive expert advice to help you get the beautiful hair you deserve.
Healthy hair is beautiful hair.
With our Hair Porosity Plus we also include amazing electron microscopy microscopy images of your hair! See your hair in a new way!
We ship worldwide, including the US and UK. You should receive your kit within 3-5 working days, depending on your location.