FAQs - Our Hair Service
Examples of hair sample sizes required for thorough health and hair typing assessments, using The Complete Hair Analysis, Hair Porosity and Hair Type Analysis HairKnowHow services.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the HairKnowHow team for advice.
Does HairKnowHow ship worldwide?
Yes, we ship to the majority of the world. Including the US, UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand etc.
How long does it take to receive the hair test in the US
Typically, clients receive their hair kits within 3-4 working days.
Does HairKnowHow analyse men’s hair?
Yes, HairKnowHow analyses men’s and women’s hair. The hair typing system used is essentially the same regardless of your gender.
Will a Salon charge me for providing a hair sample?
No, just so long as you are having your sample taken as part of a normal haircut or treatment.
How much hair do I need to send for analysis?
0.2 grams or greater (see picture for guidance).
Does the length of my hair sample matter for analysis?
The minimum length needed for testing is 3cm or 1½inch.
Do I need to wash my hair before the sample is taken?
Yes, we would recommend that your hair is freshly washed. This will help standardise your sample, especially if you are purchasing more than one hair assessment.
Where on my head should I take the hair sample from?
It can depend on what you are looking for from your hair analysis. If you are using our Hair Typing service, then you may want to take a few fibres from different places on your scalp (this will result in your hair type range being determined). If you prefer, take a hair sample from one location; if your hair possesses the same texture and appearance all over, the choice is yours. The same thinking applies to The Complete Hair Assessment. If you have an area of hair you would particularly like assessed or are concerned about, then send that to us. However, for a more general picture of your hair health, you may want to send in fibres from one or a number of different locations. Contact us if you have any questions.
Pro tip: If you are looking to test your hair repeatedly (say if you are testing a product or change in grooming practice) we would suggest you take the sample from the same approximate position on your head.
Do I need to send HairKnowHow hair taken from the root?
No, we do not require hair to be taken from the root or close to the follicle. A sample of hair taken from the hair tips as part of a typical trim is sufficient.
Why does HairKnowHow use the Andre Walker hair typing system?
We use this system to determine your hair type for three main reasons. 1) It is an extremely useful metric for an overall description of your hair. 2) It is the most widespread and accepted hair typing hair metric. 3) There is a massive amount of hair product advice and styling tips available once you know your hair type.
Does it matter if my hair is straight or curly for the analysis?
No, not at all. We can analyse any hair type or style!
What is in a hair sample kit?
It includes a prepaid HairKnowHow addressed envelope, a sample bag with your unique code, an optional questionnaire and a hair sampling guide.
How frequently can I send hair samples to HairKnowHow for analysis?
Our packages consist of one, two, or four analyses per year. To measure changes in your hair health performance or core metrics (to test any changes in your hair routine etc.), we recommend that you wait approximately three months between assessments.
How long will it take to get my results?
We aim to get your personal hair report to you within one week of receiving your sample in the laboratory.
Do I need to get my hair type-checked every time I have tested a product?
Yes, this is because many products are designed to change the overall look of your hair, affecting your waves or curls and possibly your hair’s diameter. This is why hair typing is included in The Complete Hair Assessment.
If you have any questions that are not covered here, please contact us.
The HairKnowHow team.