Updated June 2022 By Dr Jonathan Palmer

Curly hair types

Curly hair types

How can you tell the difference between the curly hair types?

There are three types of curly hair using the Andre Walker system. There is type 3A, 3B, and 3C. These include loose curls, typically type 3A to tight, springy ringlets that are type 3C and the intermediate curl, type 3B.

Type 3A hair Example loose curl

What affects the natural curl of your hair and its apparent hair type?

The apparent visual difference between the three types of curly hair (Type 3 hair) is the diameter or tightness of the curls and their ability to maintain their curl. The ability of curly hair to hold its curl depends on many factors, for example:

  1. Length of your hair

  2. Presence of hair products, oils etc

  3. Ellipticity of your hair fibres

  4. The diameter of your hair fibres

Type 3B hair Example springy curl

The greater the diameter and the ellipticity of your hair, the tighter, springy and the stronger your curl will be.

Type 3C hair Example tight coily hair

Why knowing your curly hair type is important?

How you care for your hair, including whether you can brush it or not and what with, and the products and styling choices you make will depend on your curl type. So finding your curl type is essential in getting the best health and beauty from your hair.

Get Expert Hair Analysis and Help

If you want to find out your hair type or even how healthy your hair is, including how to look after your hair, we have three excellent hair analysis options for you to choose from below.

We also make product and hair care grooming recommendations tailored to your hair type analysis results to help keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

If you need any other advice or hair questions regarding curly hair types, please feel free to contact HairKnowHow.